
Showing posts from May, 2017


Double me series video picture Vol. 5 titled no_more. It's all about Christians who fine it difficult to forgive others their sin and not knowing they they are hindering the promise of God in there lives and making the death of Jesus pointless in their lives. NO_MORE, I'm tired of staying behind the bar, NO_MORE, I'm sick of been in chains. If Jesus could forgive all my sin as many as they are, who am I to say I'm not going to forgive. Watch and download via the link below


  CAN WE MEET YOU? My name is Egbuonu Chidera Toby I was born in August 24th, 1998. I hail from Anambra State in Nigeria. I attended Funaab staff school for my primary school, later move to Emmanuel College for my secondary education at Obantoko, Abeokuta, and am currently stud ying at federal University of agriculture Abeok uta .   WHEN DID YOU DISCOVER YOUR MUSIC CAREER? At the age of 13. WHAT MAKES YOUR MUSIC UNI QUE? Well, what makes me unique in my music is the style, the voice and the way I combine diff erent genre of music together HAS THERE BEEN ONE PARTICULAR MOMENT IN YOUR MUSICAL CAREER THAT YOU'RE MOST PROUD OF? YES.. The release of my first track "Baba God" in 2015. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE MUSIC THAT YOU TYPICALLY CREATE? I'm a storyteller and my music cuts across many genres. Melodic and lyrics intensive. Every song I do is a story told through music. WHAT MADE YOU REALIZE THAT MUSIC WAS YOUR PATH? Ever since I was young, I was draw

Lastest music from a brother

Jhornabell hits it again with a very special love song titled Longing for you Download here

Double me series vol.5 titled NO_MORE

Coming soon from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel, Double me series photo video vol.5 titled NO_MORE. #No_more #anticipation #shodunkemayor

Double me series photo... PURITY

How can a young man stay in path of purity, by living according to the world of God. We can attain purity by living a holy life and constant practice of the world of God and living according to its preaching.

Double me series photo

Double me series photo titled NO MORE. When someone offend you it's best to build a fence of forgiveness around you, if you don't you are indirectly telling God is death on the cross is pointless... It pays forgive.

Our Daily Bread May 14, 2017 Scattering Seeds David C. McCasland Matthew 13:1–9 The seed falling on good soil . . . produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Matthew 13:23 I received a wonderful email from a woman who wrote, “Your mom was my first-grade teacher at Putnam City in 1958. She was a great teacher and very kind, but strict! She made us learn the 23rd Psalm and say it in front of the class, and I was horrified. But it was the only contact I had with the Bible until 1997 when I became a Christian. And the memories of Mrs. McCasland came flooding back as I re-read it.” Jesus told a large crowd a parable about the farmer who sowed his seed that fell on different types of ground—a hard path, rocky ground, clumps of thorns, and good soil (Matt. 13:1–9). While some seeds never grew, “the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it” and “produces a crop yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” (v. 23). During the twenty years my mother taught first grade in public schools, along with reading, writing, and arithmetic she scattered seeds of kindness and the message of God’s love. Her former student’s email concluded, “I have had other influences in my Christian walk later in life, of course. But my heart always returns to [Psalm 23] and [your mom's] gentle nature.” A seed of God’s love sown today may produce a remarkable harvest. Lord, today I want my life to sow good seeds in those around me. Help me to give out what You have put into me.     We sow the seed—God produces the harvest.

Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. Anticipating... Double me series video Vol 5 titled no_more #faith #No_more #shodunkemayor


Double me series...



Shot from my double me series video... Titled mandate

Edit... Shodunkemayor


Double me series photo... Kingdom of God


Nothing will stop me from preaching the gospel... My mandate,to carry Good news to every creature. #mandate #gospel #goodnews #shodunkemayor


Latest Double me series photo video vol .4 titled Copycat.

Latest Double me series photo video vol .4 titled Copycat. For Christian bro and Sis who copy and bring worldly dress and wordings into Christianity. Dedicated to my mum,Mrs A. M Sodunke. Download via the link below or

Double me series photo video vol. 3 titled mandate.

Double me series photo video vol. 3 titled mandate... Going to the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Download via the link below or

Mandate... Follow the link below to watch my video titled mandate.

Follow the link below to watch my video titled mandate.

Double me series photo video vol. 1 titled Little Patience.

Double me series photo video vol. 1 titled Little Patience... Lesson: please upon the Lord. God time is the best. Download via the link below or

Double me series(samuel and rejoice) photo video vol. 2 titled The Account

D ouble me series(samuel and rejoice) photo video vol. 2 titled the account. We shall surely give account for everything we do on this earth... So watch your way and behavior.Download via the link below or

Double me series photo(samuel $ rejoice)... Character

Double me series photo(samuel $ rejoice)... Character Character is nature and nurture. It is nature cultured and disciplined, so that natural tendencies are brought under the way of the moral motive. His natural individuality marks off a man from his fellows by clear and specific differences. But this individuality may be non-moral. To produce character it must be brought under discipline, and organized into the structure of a true moral being… Remember that you can't your character it follows you around, it's in you. Fb @Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel IG @shodunkemayor Twitter @shodunkemayor Email

The Account

#Repost #edit... Do you always think of the Judgment day, the day everyone will give account of what he or she as done. The day we shall all appear before the throne of Judgment. So watch your behavior and attitude,heaven is real and hell is real. Watch and download my Double me series video vol. 2 titled The Account via the following links below For more information contact Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel via

Gbam!!!... Double me series video,samuel and rejoice. Happy Birthday Mum, Mrs Alice. M wishing you longer life and prosperity. You shall reap the fruit of your labour. Much love 😘💑🍰. Watch via the link below or
