
Showing posts from August, 2017

Double Me Series video Vol. 7 titled Give on Time

Double me series video Vol. 7 titled Give on Time. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7   A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. Proverbs 18:16   A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25   Watch and share via the link below 0Lw34tXQHrg


SIN It takes a lot of discipline and the grace of God to avoid sin. In this world, sin chases people on every side. Sin walks on the street, appears on tv, speaks through the radio, writes books. Sin acts films for people to watch and backslide, sin even comes to the church. Sin is available in every measure and quality, depending on how you want it. Sin is never tired, it doesn't fade, always attractive. Sin is always the sweetest thing at the present, but it will produce a disasterous future. Sin multiplies and advances with time. Sin is never too little to destroy a person. Sin can be your secret partner and nobody will know it. Sin can even relax in your pocket, while you're carrying the Bible all around. Sin are not bigger than each other i.e fornication is greater than lieing. Sin are equal before God and no matter the level you have gotten to spiritually, if you commit a sin you are going to drop. Sin is the worst virus and only Jesus is the cure. RUN AWAY F

You're the one pointing out what you want the devil to do in your life.

You're the one pointing out what you want the devil to do in your life. The devil can't do anything with your life or your future. The devil act on what we want him to do in our life immediately we say it out. The devil does not know what's in our mind, he knows it when we speak it out and he give us the advice on how to go about it whether good or bad. So mind what you say... Watch by clicking on  the link below K6dvgEHETp4


Relax and laugh ! Psalms 2:1- 4; Zephaniah 3:17. God laughs, and made us in His image and after His likeness; therefore we ought to laugh too. Why does God laugh? According to the scripture, God laughs because He is in charge; it is a laughter of confidence and ultimate authority; therefore, you too ought to laugh at the enemy because you are in charge in Jesus' Name. Laughter can express joy or mockery at the enemy. In case of our Scripture, God is laughing to mock and despise the enemy. Yes, it is a laughter of Joy directed at mocking at the enemy, who in light of God's almighty power is insignificant. You can laugh at the enemy, devil now, as you display the joy of the Lord in confidence that all power in heaven and in earth has been given to Jesus Christ, in whose name you have been sent. God ahead and laugh at the devil; laugh at ugly circumstances. Laugh because God has conquered the world for you, and has given you the victory in Christ. RELAX AND LAUGH!

Can you be persecuted for preaching the Gospel?

A short a drama titled Can you be persecuted for preaching the Gospel?. From the Stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel. Watch via the link below https :// / vOBavlf _7Ec . God bless you.


Download my Double me series picture video Vol. 6 titled APOSTASY via this links https :// /_ LGBZcZXfBE or http:// /video/apostasy/_ LGBZcZXfBE . God bless you you🙏.