
Showing posts from October, 2018


Topic: UPSET Sub Topic: What to do if you are UPSET. If you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened to you. Synonyms: distressed, shaken, disturbed, worried Today I'll be discussing on what to do if you're upset. When you feel upset it is critical to know that you cannot control this emotional upset once it has occurred. You can only respond to it. It is how you respond to an upset that makes the difference between going further off your due north course or back on your due north course. When we do not use an upset to alert us to awaken or to become fully aware, we tend to immediately unconsciously react to the situation at hand. For example, we slam doors or smoke a cigarette or yell at people or take an action that we feel gives us power over someone else. This reaction is a resistance to what is happening and so; it only serves to make matters worse. So, I am going to give you a formula to follow to create resolution o