
Showing posts from December, 2018


Everyone hides behind a mask. They don’t want you to see the real them. When you call people fake you aren’t really telling the truth. Maybe they have a mask on to protect you from the truth. Maybe they have on a mask to feel good about themselves. Maybe it helps boost their self-esteem but you are too busy to see that. You are too busy pulling that person down and ripping them apart. You are too busy to see that you have a mask on too. You are also too busy to see that you are the fake one. You are fake like society. You try to rip every ones mask off to see the real them. Why don’t you take your mask off to show the world the real you. Don’t be scared of what others think about you. If you are happy with yourself that’s all that matters. Remember that one boy that you teased last week because of his mask. Well that’s the boy who cries himself to sleep. That’s the boy who starves himself because others call him ugly and fat. That’s the boy who doesn't see that he's