
Showing posts from May, 2018


Chronicles of Tomorrow  By Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel A.K.A Shodunkemayor  MORROW, TOMORROW mor'-o, too-mor'-o: Two words are used in the Old Testament in this meaning: boqer, which properly means "dawn," or "morning," and machar, properly the same, but used for the next morning and hence,"tomorrow," like the German morgen. The derivative mo-chorath, is "the following day," "all the next day," especially after yom ("day"), but usually coupled with a noun following, as in Leviticus 23:11 , mochorath ha-shabbath "day after the Sabbath." It is also used adverbially for "on the morrow," as in Genesis 19:34 . In the Greek of the New Testament we find aurion (Matthew 6:34 , etc.),commonly used, but hexes, also occurs (Acts 25:17 the King James Version, where the Revised Version (British and American)renders more exactly "the next day"); epaurion, is "on the morrow&q


Jeremiah 31:25 “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” When you face the fact that you are spiritually tired you can be shocked, in denial, work harder to get out of it, or finally accept it. Paul reminds us in Colossians 1:29 that his toil for the gospel and making God known to people was not based on struggling with his personal energy but God’s energy.   We see the word energy used in the verse because it brings focus on the fact that God was doing a work through Paul not the other way around, as Paul’s inner strength was provided by and only sustained by the Lord. Continuing with the sports locker room illustration, Paul had a goal in mind and looked forward to the day where he would be able to present mature Christians to the Lord. Paul knew the goal, was sold out to the goal but knew it would only be don


This is sometimes a debate we find ourselves in. Its one of the few topics that has several answers, but here is my take on the subject… Gospel music and Secular music, lets define them both. What is Gospel/Christian music? From the definition of the gospel (which is in short the teachings and revelations of Christ) we get the idea that gospel music is simply all those teachings converted into songs. Secular music on the other hand is any music that not connected to religion or spiritual matters. It means a non-religious music. So therefore, saying “Christians must not listen to or sing secular music” will be wrong because by definition, your nursery rhymes are secular, the national anthem is secular, your school anthem is secular. People get inspired to write songs for social enlightenment, information, morals, entertainment, education and so on. These are also tagged as “secular”. I’ll talk a little more about “Inspiration” later on. So the question now is where do we dr

How I edit my Double me series video on VivaVideo

This is how I edit my Double me series video Vol. 13 titled Seriousness during prayer and most of my videos using VivaVideo application.

Free indeed by Damilola Mike Bamiloye

Free indeed a short movie shot by Damilola Mike Bamiloye on mobile phone 📱 (iPhone 6).

Story of a Lady by Darasimi Mike Bamiloye ft Jaymikee

Watch Story of a Lady by Darasimi Mike Bamiloye ft Joshua Mike Bamiloye a.k.a jaymikee (A_capella). Directed by Joshua Mike Bamiloye Produce by Mount Zion Music Studios Watch the video below. 

God's plan by Temzeey Calebs

The young Gospel rapper Temzeey Calebs  as release a new single titled God's plan. Nowadays many of us especially the young ones, we do not want to wait on God, we don't want to know God's plan and what He as for our life... We need to be patience with Him and let His plan and will come to fulfillment in our life.  Click on the link to listen to the song

Double me series video Vol. 13

Double me series video (Samuel and Rejoice) Vol. 13 titled Seriousness during prayer from the Stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel.  Watch the video below 👇 and Pls kindly share 🙏