Jeremiah 31:25 “For I will satisfy
the weary soul, and every
languishing soul I will replenish.”

Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow
weary of doing good, for in due
season we will reap, if we do not
give up.”

When you face the fact that you are spiritually tired
you can be shocked, in denial, work harder to get out
of it, or finally accept it. Paul reminds us in
Colossians 1:29 that his toil for the gospel and making
God known to people was not based on struggling with
his personal energy but God’s energy.
  We see the word energy used in the verse
because it brings focus on the fact that God was doing
a work through Paul not the other way around, as
Paul’s inner strength was provided by and only
sustained by the Lord. Continuing with the sports
locker room illustration, Paul had a goal in mind and
looked forward to the day where he would be able to
present mature Christians to the Lord. Paul knew the
goal, was sold out to the goal but knew it would only
be done but through the energy and power of Christ.
It’s not a bad thing that we are tired, but who’s
energy are we using?

“We are officially wiped…but God has never been
intimidated by our weakness, rather He relishes in the
opportunity to breathe through weary vessels. And, as
though there was ever any question, once a night like
tonight is done it is clear that anything of power that
was left behind is of God and not of man.”


1. Looking for run fruit
2. Living with an urgency of ego
3. Living with an urgency of idea
4. Agenda-filled relationships
5. Lack of Patience
6. Bad math


Everyone needs rest. Two questions I am asked once
a month is ‘how is my spiritual rhythm’ and ‘am I
taking a Sabbath?’ These are great questions to ask
yourself and find resources that help you find a
workable answer, as our bodies are in fact weak and
we need to take it one grace filled day at a time as
we focus on the step we are currently taking, or not
taking. If there is sin that needs to be identified with,
then repent. If we need to share the load, then find
people you can do that with. If we are so tired that
we don’t even know where we are going anymore,
then we forgot to leave space for God in our busy
lives. We must remember that we move after God,
not just because we can, but because He has given us
energy to do so.
God has prepared your steps, not the other way
around. Rest in God, take this time for what it is,
move by His energy.


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