
Showing posts from 2018


Everyone hides behind a mask. They don’t want you to see the real them. When you call people fake you aren’t really telling the truth. Maybe they have a mask on to protect you from the truth. Maybe they have on a mask to feel good about themselves. Maybe it helps boost their self-esteem but you are too busy to see that. You are too busy pulling that person down and ripping them apart. You are too busy to see that you have a mask on too. You are also too busy to see that you are the fake one. You are fake like society. You try to rip every ones mask off to see the real them. Why don’t you take your mask off to show the world the real you. Don’t be scared of what others think about you. If you are happy with yourself that’s all that matters. Remember that one boy that you teased last week because of his mask. Well that’s the boy who cries himself to sleep. That’s the boy who starves himself because others call him ugly and fat. That’s the boy who doesn't see that he's


IT'S OFFICIALLY OUT 😉 🕺💃 SLUMBER(A Playlet) from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel. Written and directed by Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel Background music 🎶 by Joshua Mike-Bamiloye.  Luke 11:35- Take heed therefore  that the light which is in thee be not darkness. 1 Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore  let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. Watch SLUMBER by clicking on the links below ⬇  Kindly share with friends 👫👬👭, God bless you 🙏


Enjoy while it last... Anticipate 😉 SLUMBER from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel. Written and directed by Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel Remain blessed... #GospelDrama #Gospel #GospelActor #GospelMinister #gospelfilm #Slumber #shodunkemayor


Topic: UPSET Sub Topic: What to do if you are UPSET. If you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has happened to you. Synonyms: distressed, shaken, disturbed, worried Today I'll be discussing on what to do if you're upset. When you feel upset it is critical to know that you cannot control this emotional upset once it has occurred. You can only respond to it. It is how you respond to an upset that makes the difference between going further off your due north course or back on your due north course. When we do not use an upset to alert us to awaken or to become fully aware, we tend to immediately unconsciously react to the situation at hand. For example, we slam doors or smoke a cigarette or yell at people or take an action that we feel gives us power over someone else. This reaction is a resistance to what is happening and so; it only serves to make matters worse. So, I am going to give you a formula to follow to create resolution o


It's here, the time you've all been waiting for, A major hit bang from the talented and young gospel musician " EFF_KAY " which he titled HALLELUJAH Is here and It's gonna blow your mind.  click on the links below to download the song ⬇️⬇️


Breaking news... Popular Indigenous gospel rapper   Oba Reengy has a shocking move for us all... From a closer source. Its suspected that the popular gospel rock star unveiled his lover earlier today on a whatsapp update. Sources still don't know the name or how true it is... But however we wish our very own Nigerian NF a happy love experience😂🔥🔥


Download #Ibile11Six by the young gospel Rapper TEMZEEY CALEBZ featuring AMEEN  REMEDY. Click on the link below 👇 to download and kindly share with friends. Remain blessed 🙏


Food, that can cause enmity between men, food that can bring men together, food that nourish and can poison. I was in a party and I saw big men fighting over food, big men for carrying out loud. What poor people are suppose to do and why are they doing this, because they lack food attitude. Food attitude is the power you have over your own behavior, such as your own eating habits. Then use your self-control to make smarter choices when you eat on the run or between meals. The more you practice thinking positively about following a healthful diet, the sooner you'll adopt a more positive attitude toward food. Matthew 4:4: But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. I'll like to end with this bible verse "God cares about every aspect of my life, including what I eat and drink, and there’s a way to eat and drink that brings more glory to God. That’s what I want. So whether you e


*PEACE OF MIND* Hebrews 12:14 14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. Colossians 3:15  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 1 Peter 3:11 They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. Peace of mind is one of those instants in life that are hard to describe, but easy to know. We all know the sensation. In those fleeting instants, there are no doubts, anxieties, or cares. For a flash, life is totally under modification. It is a sensation that we all wish in life, but it is few, far between, and brief. At least it seems that way. What is peace of mind? It is a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom.... "Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions." It all


Double Me Series Video Vol. 14 titled "LET'S WRITE SCRIPT"  Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Other links Kindly share, God bless you 🙏. 


The power packed playlet is officially out. The playlet written and directed by Bamigbola Paul Idowu, Produce by Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel, Director of Photography - Ilupeju Benedict Kehinde, Background music B y Joshua Mike-Bamiloye.  Click the video below to watch and you can also click on the link to download. Pls do not forget to share with friends. 


Are you still in doubt of wherein you stand? Are you in a state of franticness? Do you even know what you've been freely given?  Are you fully aware of what CHRIST brought to you? Rom 8:15 "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." Written and Directed by Bamigbola Paul Idowu  Produce by Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel D.O.P - Ilupeju Benedict Kehinde   ENTHRALLED ANTICIPATE!!!


Chains are an obvious symbol of imprisonment. In physical terms they restrict us, hold us down and back and signify our captive state. In spiritual terms they do more or less the same. While many of us won't experience physical chains, we're by no means immune to the impact of spiritual chains which harm our spiritual growth. These kinds of shackles are just as unmissable and detrimental to our freedom because they affect our behaviour, our outlook and our faith. The Bible features numerous accounts of physical chain breaking but it also is full of stories about people who had their spiritual chains broken by the Lord. These types of chains manifested in various ways – demons, sickness, sin. But these biblical stories aren't just documented so that we know what Jesus was able to do for people that followed him in the past, they're also there to show us what he can do for us today. Jesus comes to set us free and destroy the chains that bind us. The modern day chains


Today's work, on location doing our Father's business for the next project titled ENTHRALLED. Written by Bamigbola Paul Idowu Cast: Stephen Olayinka Fakorede , Harnu Ewaoluwa Joel , Banire Opeyemi Natik , Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel, Bamigbola Paul Idowu, Ojo Folami Olayinka and others. D.O.P: BK Ilupeju . Anticipating💃☺️😉... #Enthrall e d #Gosp e l #Gospelvid e o #GospelAct o r #Dramaminist e r #Anticipati n g #Funa a b #shodunkemay or


ENTHRALLED coming soon from the production of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel. Click the video below listen to the line rehearsal.


TOMORROW (A Playlet) from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel is out. Fully subtitled in English Language. Watch the video and be blessed. Pls kindly share with families and friends. God bless you. 


Tomorrow! Tomorrow!! Tomorrow!!! 🤔🤔🤔 Tomorrow is not in our hands. No one knows what tomorrow brings. The only thing we know about “tomorrow” is that it’s uncertain at best. We can trust God with more than tomorrow…we can trust God with our eternity. Jesus tells you about your future by giving you two simple choices; “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:36). It’s either here (Rev 20:12-15) or here (Rev 22). Anticipate 🕺🕺🕺 TOMORROW from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel A.K.A Shodunkemayor. The playlet will be out (Online) by 18th of June, 2018.  Kindly Rebroadcast


Download the fifth Album of Joshua Mike Bamiloye  known as Jaymikee titled ONE MAN NATION from the Mount Zion Music Studios by clicking on the link below


Tomorrow! Tomorrow!! Tomorrow!!! Tomorrow is not in our hands. No one knows what tomorrow brings. The only thing we know about “tomorrow” is that it’s uncertain at best. We can trust God with more than tomorrow…we can trust God with our eternity. Jesus tells you about your future by giving you two simple choices; “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:36). It’s either here (Rev 20:12-15) or here (Rev 22). Anticipate 💃💃💃 TOMORROW from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel A.K.A Shodunkemayor


Rapper Temzeey have posted and anticipated a news about a new single coming soon. Titled and featured artiste rumored to be "Ibile 116" and features kwarapoly and ilorin based gospel rapper "Remedy" This time what should we expect from Temzeey? Another dancehall hit or the regular Trap song he's widely know for? Release date rumored to be JULY 1 STAY tuned...!


In your life you may have many printed ID cards that people will see as a means of recognition of who you are or whatever field you have subscribed to but as a Christian you must always carry this unprinted ID card and that is Jesus Christ, let people see it in you everyday. Always rep Jesus. Rapture at any moment!! Are you ready?!! Happy First Sunday © Oke Oluwasegun Anticipating Tomorrow a playlet  from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel.


Chronicles of Tomorrow  By Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel A.K.A Shodunkemayor  MORROW, TOMORROW mor'-o, too-mor'-o: Two words are used in the Old Testament in this meaning: boqer, which properly means "dawn," or "morning," and machar, properly the same, but used for the next morning and hence,"tomorrow," like the German morgen. The derivative mo-chorath, is "the following day," "all the next day," especially after yom ("day"), but usually coupled with a noun following, as in Leviticus 23:11 , mochorath ha-shabbath "day after the Sabbath." It is also used adverbially for "on the morrow," as in Genesis 19:34 . In the Greek of the New Testament we find aurion (Matthew 6:34 , etc.),commonly used, but hexes, also occurs (Acts 25:17 the King James Version, where the Revised Version (British and American)renders more exactly "the next day"); epaurion, is "on the morrow&q


Jeremiah 31:25 “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” When you face the fact that you are spiritually tired you can be shocked, in denial, work harder to get out of it, or finally accept it. Paul reminds us in Colossians 1:29 that his toil for the gospel and making God known to people was not based on struggling with his personal energy but God’s energy.   We see the word energy used in the verse because it brings focus on the fact that God was doing a work through Paul not the other way around, as Paul’s inner strength was provided by and only sustained by the Lord. Continuing with the sports locker room illustration, Paul had a goal in mind and looked forward to the day where he would be able to present mature Christians to the Lord. Paul knew the goal, was sold out to the goal but knew it would only be don


This is sometimes a debate we find ourselves in. Its one of the few topics that has several answers, but here is my take on the subject… Gospel music and Secular music, lets define them both. What is Gospel/Christian music? From the definition of the gospel (which is in short the teachings and revelations of Christ) we get the idea that gospel music is simply all those teachings converted into songs. Secular music on the other hand is any music that not connected to religion or spiritual matters. It means a non-religious music. So therefore, saying “Christians must not listen to or sing secular music” will be wrong because by definition, your nursery rhymes are secular, the national anthem is secular, your school anthem is secular. People get inspired to write songs for social enlightenment, information, morals, entertainment, education and so on. These are also tagged as “secular”. I’ll talk a little more about “Inspiration” later on. So the question now is where do we dr

How I edit my Double me series video on VivaVideo

This is how I edit my Double me series video Vol. 13 titled Seriousness during prayer and most of my videos using VivaVideo application.

Free indeed by Damilola Mike Bamiloye

Free indeed a short movie shot by Damilola Mike Bamiloye on mobile phone 📱 (iPhone 6).

Story of a Lady by Darasimi Mike Bamiloye ft Jaymikee

Watch Story of a Lady by Darasimi Mike Bamiloye ft Joshua Mike Bamiloye a.k.a jaymikee (A_capella). Directed by Joshua Mike Bamiloye Produce by Mount Zion Music Studios Watch the video below. 

God's plan by Temzeey Calebs

The young Gospel rapper Temzeey Calebs  as release a new single titled God's plan. Nowadays many of us especially the young ones, we do not want to wait on God, we don't want to know God's plan and what He as for our life... We need to be patience with Him and let His plan and will come to fulfillment in our life.  Click on the link to listen to the song

Double me series video Vol. 13

Double me series video (Samuel and Rejoice) Vol. 13 titled Seriousness during prayer from the Stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel.  Watch the video below 👇 and Pls kindly share 🙏

Rapture a Freestyle by Temzeey Calebs

Its actually obvious that this days we've got many hardworking youths hustling for money. But the question is what kind of hard work is it? In this freestyle, temzeey pours out his heart and tells youths to repent and light up! Lyrics : Shout out to kayzong Lateko titi de porthi Ojaye orie lailo party Kilonshele Mr yahoo Ojokan bo tiwo na ma yati Sister magreti Etitun lo ya skirti The pay day is coming soon, joor ma lo sun Tele mo Gbana mo carnal Tele tele moman GBA wire Tele wonmomi pe no bad lorisirisi Won momi Dada But now I've given my life Testimony of a brother Nisin mo spread gospel yen lateko de porthi, emi oman boder o Showolofeni abi venza Olorun capable oya soota Eyan meji loman dialogue ogbenni jade maje kitieta Drop all your strategies follow my Jesu o tofunmi Rapture'n bolona ogbenni omashocke shomatofunmi? Ojo gbogbo'ntole, but ojo kan ni tolohun is better you follow pesin wey know the way o Is better o olorun Temi naaa belaram

Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel Unleash His Drama Group Name

Glory be to the Lord Almighty for today Ministration at Methodist Church ⛪, Ègbá-yewa diocese, Ago ọkọ, beside State Hospital 🏥, Abeokuta, Ogun State at the young men fellowship Thanksgiving programme. Theme: Striving for Peace and Holiness. (Hebrew 12:4) There Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel officially Launched the name of  His Group/Ministry when they were about to minister. Meanwhile, he said the name will be finally disclose to us soon 😉.  

Iyanu by Temzeey Calebs

Download Iyanu the latest and hot single by Ojuele Temilorun Caleb also known as Temzeey Calebs by clicking on the link below 👇 Kindly share this, God bless you 🙏.

Make The Most Of Your Talents

Make The Most Of Your Talents “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV) God has given you unique abilities, talents, and gifts. At Saddleback Church, we say they represent a person’s SHAPE — Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. This bundle of talents is the thing God has given you that makes you who you are and sets you apart from other people. If you think your talents are simply for you to make a lot of money, retire, and die, you’ve missed the point of your life. God gave you talents to benefit others, not yourself. And God gave other people talents that benefit you. We’re all a part of the body of Christ, and each part matters. There are no insignificant people in the family of God. You are shaped to serve God, and he is testing you to see how you are going to use the talents he gave you. Whether you are a musician or an accountant,

Joshua Mike Bamiloye officially launch his website

Joshua Mike Bamiloye known as Jaymikee officially launched is website on the 13th of April, 2018 and he said this on his Twitter handle at . "WE R BACK! AND BETTER OF COURSE. website is officially open. Explore it's pages for MZMS for songs n instrumentals All Mini-me series, JaynJosh, picture drama n comics Events, blog;will contain news, tutorials, messages, movie reviews, etc Glory to God". Visit his website at

How God delivered me from being a thief – Mike Bamiloye

How God delivered me from being a thief – Mike Bamiloye The president of the Mount Zion Drama Ministry, Evangelist Mike Bamiloye celebrated his birthday on April 13th and in his birthday message, the christian drama veteran wrote on how he as delivered by God as a thief when he was growing up after losing his mum at a very tender age. According to him, the absence of a mother in his life led to his wayward lifestyle that he became a terror to everyone in the area. He wrote: “HIS GRACE HAS KEPT ME” – My Testimony 1 Samuel 2:6-8 KJV [6] The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. [7] The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. [8] He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s , and he hath set the world upon them. I am a solid testimony of Grace. Ev

Chasing Shadow Video

It's officially out, Chasing Shadow video from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel.    For more updates, subscribe to my YouTube channel at Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel.  Happy Easter celebration 🎉. Do not forget to share the video, God bless you 🙏. 

Chasing Shadow official flier

_April 2nd 🕺💃..._ Are you ready? *Chasing Shadow 🏃🏃* is set 😉, it will be released on 2nd of April. Chasing Shadow a playlet  written and directed:  *Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel* Director of  photography: *Oguntoke Rehoboth, Olaleye Ayobami and Sodunke Olumide Israel* For more info send him a mail ✉ at or contact him on 📞 0813 190 9316 or 0701 808 3715 Watch out 👉👀 Easter Package 📦 from the stable of Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel 😉. *#Anticipating !* Shadow official flier edited by Olix_Malio_grafix. Drops April 2nd 👇.

Acquiring Knowledge

Inquiring more knowledge, I'm not settling for the less. I saw one of my friend profile picture on WhatsApp, he did something like this and I ask him how did he go about it and he told me that he PicsArt, I was surprised, PicsArt the app I use every now and then. I never knew they can do toons on PicsArt. So, he ask me to go on YouTube to search how to do toons on PicsArt. I did that, watch, download and practice it before I can get this. Tho this is not yet the best 😉. Just want to tell us that no one is an island of knowledge, ask people how they do things especially if it is something new, gain more knowledge with your own knowledge and knowledge is a waste. I really appreciate you Sulaimon Ayo DE JI, God bless you 🙏. I'll upload the GIF of how I edit this picture soon 😉.

New film coming soon!

*Update! Update!! Update!!!* The young Gospel Actor and a Gospel Ambassador, _Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel a.k.a Shodunkemayor_ is set to release a new and short film titled ➖ *Chasing Shadow 🏃 🏃*➖ This film will be release first week in the month of April but the date is yet unknown. Sodunke Moyosoreoluwa Samuel said he his releasing this film as Easter Package 📦 for the body of Christ and the whole universe 🌍. For more updates join him on the following social media *Instagram@* *Twitter@* *Facebook@* *Facebook page@* *Web@* *G+@* *YouTube@* Subscribe and watch

Double Me Series Video Vol. 12 titled Memorizing God's Word

Double me Series Vol. 12 titled        Memorizing God's Word. Show interest in God's word, read and memorize it.  Don't grow lean, nourish yourself with the word of God. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.Psalm 119:16.  YouTube link below 👇

Double Me Series Vol. 12 coming soon!

We're set to release this, Double me Series(Samuel and Rejoice) Vol. 12. Coming out soon. Anticipating!!! #Anticipating #GospelArtist #shodunkemayor

Abba Father

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. (Rom. 8:14-16)      The term, "Abba Father" is probably one of the most intimate expressions in the Bible. It is a term of endearment, and really means, "daddy father." The usage speaks of the love, reliance, and intimacy of a child to a father.      Paul twice uses this phrase to express our relationship to God as our Heavenly Father. (see also Gal. 4:6) Jesus also addressed His Father in this manner. (see Mark 14:36) Yet how many of us really and truly think of God as our Father? Unfortunately, most of us don't -- although we do believe the FACT that God is our Father in heaven. In practice, however, most of us tend to think of G